Tuesday, June 15, 2010

How to Become a Better Friend...

* Stop acting selfishly. Try to put yourself in your friend's shoes for a change.

* Always start conversations by asking after your friend and listen to what he/she has to say.

* Offer him/her plenty of advice and encouragement in what he/she is doing.

* Don't dump plans with a friend when a "better" opportunity comes up.

* Call him/her to see how he/she is. Don't always wait for him/her to make the first move.

* Do the friend a favour or offer to help with a project.

* Be thoughtful, suggest things you can do together and never forget his/her birthday.

* Above all, nurture your friendship as you would a romance.

Thursday, June 10, 2010


打从这学期起就自己一个人住这么大间的家 (我家有三间房, 一间工人房, 一间STORE ROOM, 三间厕所, 两个客厅, 厨房, 是不是很大呢? 可以来我家渡假啊!)

今天睡这间房, 明天睡另一间 (哈哈, 但我没这么得空搬来搬去)

自己一个人可以大喊大叫, 滚来滚去, 坐在电视前看戏, 要吃什么就煮什么, 多自在啊!


这是什么道理! 为什么不让我上课? 如果不让我上课, 那就不好叫我来工作! 放我假就好啦! 既然放假也是要补课, 来这又不可以上课也是要补课, 那就叫我不用来就好啦!我没去考试, 为什么我没有权力叫我学生出来上课! 浪费我时间!不可以上课还要我去DUTY! 慢慢等吧! 我偏偏不去, 我偏要坐在这上网, 你吹吗!DIRECTOR又怎样, 我就是不去! 我不服!!!